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Vecchio 07-05-2017, 10:20   #39
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Utente dal: 04 2014
Messaggi: 3,194
Predefinito Re: Gatta di 5 anni con IRC, alternative alla dieta renal/senior + vomito

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Oggi ho chiesto dei consigli a dei vet online. Vi copio le risposte:

Thank you for your question regarding Sophia. There are different "levels" of renal disease/failure. I have attached a couple of articles that may be helpful. Treatment will depend on what level of disease Sophia is classified as. Generally, fluids is for severe cases and used when all other options have failed. I would suggest continue to work with your vet and stay in constant communication with them. Since they have performed the physical exam and have interpreted the diagnostic tests, they are the best source of information. If you are not happy with the treatment, you may want to consider a second opinion, or a referral to a veterinary internal specialist.

Spero che capiate l'inglese. Sto cominciando a pensare che la mia vet abbia scelto questa strada per la giovane etā di Sofia, piuttosto che per incompetenza.
Non ho capito cosa c'entra l'etā....Anche se č giovane l'urea le arriverā al cervello se aumenta...

Lasciate che i mici vengano a me....
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